Ever wondered why a ball moving on the ground comes to a halt? How a cycle when applied brakes come to a stop? 

Such kind of force acting on the substance is called Friction. It is the resistance to motion of one object moving relative to another. This is the same force that allows you to accelerate forward when you run. Your planted foot can grip the ground and push backward, which causes the ground to push forward on your foot. To learn more about friction, watch the video 👇👇

Here is a small quiz to test your understanding. Try to attempt all the questions and get the highest marks possible. 👇👇

Co-Curricular ACTIVITY

Ever dreamt of becoming a Ninja or having a dragon as your pet? Well, at least you can learn to make origami Ninja stars, paper dragon and a cute little rabbit.

Paper Ninja Star

Step 1: You will need 2 pieces of square paper, preferably printer paper or construction paper, but you can use any type of paper you like. I used 6-inch construction paper.

Step 2: Fold the top of the paper down on both sections. Then do it again.

Step 3: Fold both of them in half horizontally, and unfold.

Step 4: For the left piece, fold the left side up, aligning it with the fold you made in the previous step. For the right piece, fold the left side down.

Step 5: Follow the photos.

Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11

Step 12: Tuck in the right flap into the space between the upper and lower flaps. Then do the same with the left flap.

Step 13: You are done! Make more of them using different colors, they look very cool when flying. For any problem click the link below.👇 👇 


Takes me about 10 minutes to fold one if I am taking my time, but learning it may take 30-45 minutes, depending on what you already know.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
Step 11
Step 12
Step 13
Step 14
Step 15
Step 16
Step 17
Step 18

Step 18: You are done! Make more of them using different colors, they look very cool when flying. For any problem click the link below.👇 👇 

make A rabbit of your own👉 👉


-----FUN & LEARN-----